Smart Meter Opt-Out Information

On or about May 17, 2012, the City of Brighton passed a Resolution regarding DTE Electric Company's f/k/a The Detroit Edison Company's ("DTE Electric") Advanced Metering Program and requested that an opt-out program be considered. DTE Electric subsequently filed its proposal for an opt-out program with the Michigan Public Service Commission ("MPSC"), which was approved by the MPSC on May 15, 2013.

DTE Electric fully believes that the advanced meters it utilizes are safe, reliable and protect a customer's privacy. On June 29, 2012, the MPSC Staff issued its repayment which specifically addressed the safety of smart meter deployment. After careful review, the Staff determined that "the health risk from the installation and operation of metering systems using radio transmitters is insignificant... The appropriate federal health and safety regulations provide assurance that smart meters represent a safe technology." (See MPSC Rep01t to the Commission in Case No U-17000). Ultimately the MPSC approved a program whereby customers can have a non-transmitting meter installed at their residence pursuant to the MPSC approved taliff and the applicable charges.

Customers who participate in the Opt-Out Program will not receive the benefits that the advanced metering technology has to offer, such as:

  • Automatic power outage detection
  • Remote reading of yow· electric meter
  • Fewer estimated bills
  • Access to your daily energy usage information

Customers who have an advanced meter installed and are interested in the Opt-Out Program are asked to calll-855-225-6470 for more information.

Thank you for your attention, and please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 734-332-8145.
