Planning the City Council Retreat


Planning the City Council Retreat

Planning the City Council Retreat

Each year, the Brighton City Council comes together for an intensive weekend retreat.  At the retreat, the Council works with staff to set the City goals and priorities.  The two-day meeting helps set the tone for the following year of City operation and innovation.
At last week's City Council Study Session, the Council and staff had a conversation about the format of the retreat scheduled for this November.  City staff recommended using a third-party facilitator to guide Council to forming a unified vision for the City.  Communities across the state have adopted a process of creating one guiding vision and drawing actionable goals and quantifiable objectives from that foundation.  Council expressed interest in balancing the goal of achieving a big picture vision for the City of Brighton with the need the retreat to be cost effective. 
The conversation will continue at the Special Council Meeting on Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 6:30pm at Brighton City Hall. 